Welcome to DagExpress.com!
By musicians, for musicians. Sound is our passion. That is why we have assembled the leading and most reliable names in the audio equipment industry. Our customers range from music professionals and beginners to public speakers.
We take enormous pride in continually maintaining and offering a huge selection at the absolute best prices. Make sure you contact us if there is anything you need that is not listed on our website yet. We are always adding new quality music products!
You can order online from dagexpress.com at any time. Customer service is available from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday PST.
If you have any questions about the music products call us at 800-329-4420 or email us via our contact us page.
Most orders ship out the same day.
We will keep you updated on custom orders and get them out as soon as we can.
We understand fast delivery is as important as great prices. |